Breathe with me:
Schools and Universities
“Olly has been ‘est optimum simpliciter’: his enthusiasm, his eye for detail, his encouragement - he is a brilliant classroom practicioner and has inspired those pupils he’s taught from years 9 up to 13 in all he’s done in the classroom....always willing to go the extra mile, always committed, always engaged”
Teach your students how to calm themselves, manage their stress and anxiety, and ace exams, all through their breath.
100% of students at Christ Church College, Oxford said that each of their Breathwork sessions made them feel ‘calmer’ or ‘far calmer’
Breathwork workshops:
Breathwork practice + science + everyday tips
Breathwork for Exams
Breathwork for Stress and Anxiety
Breathwork for Focus
Breathwork sessions:
Breathwork practice only
Breathwork for Exams
Breathwork for Stress and Anxiety
Breathwork for Focus
Breathwork 4 week courses:
Breathwork practice + science + everyday tips + habit building
Pupils learn through 1 hour weekly sessions, using their own booklets and bracelets to support learning.
Breathwork INSET:
Breathwork practice + science guidance on how to use Breathwork with students (including precautions)